GO Rentals成立於1997年,為紐西蘭快速成長的一間汽車租賃公司,其總部位於奧克蘭市,在紐西蘭的惠靈頓,基督城和皇后鎮另外開設了4個營業門市。歷經15年的租車業務發展歷史後,GO Rentals已經發展為一個全球著名的租車品牌,其業務遍及全球各地。GO Rentals可供租用的車輛接近1000輛,其車型都是全新款式,可以滿足在紐西蘭租車的客戶需求。GO Rentals致力於給客戶提供頂尖而且無可比擬的租車服務,讓客戶在紐西蘭的租車經歷難以忘記。
租租車(ZuZuChe.com)為您提供GO Rentals的租車預訂,專為中國用戶提供全中文、價格優惠、安全保障的境外租車預訂服務。
Have not waited.
I want to say Go Rental service is beyond my expectations. Firstly they will send complete guidance by email, which is very different from most of the other rental companies. Secondly, they care. In this trip, we were driving from Rotorura to Auckland airport to catch a flight from Auckland to Christchurch. But we were late. We called the rental company about this beforehand so that we could compete all formality when we arrived. We got there like less than 1 hour before flight departure, the rental company owner once knew this drove personally and took us to the terminal in less than 10 minutes, he also helped with our luggage which we had two plug two kids. We very much appreciated this and apologize for the late comment. Will definitely prefer Go Rental next time in NZ!
都在營業時間外取車還車,依據指引超級順暢。車是Ford Ranger的新款,無線Carplay,車道保持,自適應巡航,低速四驅,越野輔助,360環視輔助,各項功能都很齊全。皮卡的後斗真的好用,開起來也不太有大車的感覺。開了兩千多公里,實際油耗9L左右。整體來說是一次很好的租車體驗。
臨時決定租車,選擇不多。車子比較老,已經跑了快14萬公里,不過總體車況還可以。Waiheke的fairview crescent那邊是很窄且多彎的山路,會車不易,非有特殊需求可以選小一點的車型。另該車行需要當場刷2k紐西蘭幣的預授權,車子沒問題的話取消倒也快,第二天就入賬了